Initial Ideas

 I met up with the group and we discussed a few ideas; we came away from the first meeting with the idea of doing a kind of club scene similar to Prodigy's 'Smack my Bitch Up'. This is an almost psychedelic documentation of a night out through the eyes of a drug addled, misogynistic, aggressive man (or so you are led to believe.) It is later revealed that you are actually viewing the night through the eyes of a woman. It is shot entirely with POV shots and this only differs at the very end when it is revealed that the protagonist is female. The video uses various camera effects including what appears to be a fisheye lens to create the sense of being intoxicated. To further this, the club is lit in a claustrophobic and disconcerting way using a lot of reds and blues. As of now, we haven't got any real narrative as such other than a modern take on 'boy meets girl', which sounds kind of boring but the idea could be saved using a lot of creative set design and camera work.

You can view the video here.

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